
The 1993 war took Willy’s parents and some of his siblings. He was miserably living in a camp of displaced. He joined the ranks of armed groups forsaking his studies.

Due to illness, he went to the capital city, Bujumbura for treatment. Once healed, he started looking for a job. He lived a tough and dangerous life working as an aide-maçon, spending nights in under construction houses, most of the times with empty stomach.

He contemplated death as solution

HOPE rescued him by providing him with a shelter, food and taking him back to school.
Willy proved to be a bright boy at his paramedical school. He got his diploma (A2) in 2013; he is working as a nurse with Medecins Sans Frontières

The celebration of graduation, which coincided with the closing of the ‘HOPE Week’ has aroused great emotion in children's program and most were unable to hold back their tears of joy.
He is a very happy and grateful man